Thursday, May 24, 2012

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FIND A CAUSE- LES BROWN Courage to Live Your Dreams Vol. #4 ... › BooksSelf-HelpDreams
#4 [Abridged, Audiobook] [Audio Cassette] ... In his bestselling book and audio Live Your Dreams, Les Brown tells you that you can change your life and ... You want to make a difference in this world--and the way you do that is to find a cause.

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You Gotta Be Hungry A Les Brown Story

   Ty Howard: Find Your MOTIVATION and Use It!

Its Not Over Until You Win: How to Become the Person You Always Wanted to Be No Matter What the Obstacle [Paperback

Reasons for Giving
People make philanthropic gifts for many different reasons. They are moved to give by the urgency of the community’s needs. In addition, they will give because they respect the organization’s commitment to carry out programs that are responsive to the needs that are central to its concern. However, an important axiom in fund raising says, “People will not give simply because the organization needs money.” Contributors will not give simply to help an entity balance its operating budget. Veteran fund raising professionals often use another axiom to emphasize one of the “carved in stone” principles of fund raising: “People do not give to people. They give to people with causes.” To this piece of wisdom can be added another: “They give to people who ask on behalf of causes.”
Individuals tend to give from three sources: discretionary or disposable income, their assets, and estates. The annual fund generally seeks funding from individuals’ discretionary income. This statement does not seek to belittle the practice of sacrificial giving. People with strong religious belief or those who share a tradition of philanthropy, will tend to give sacrificially. For the most part, however, the bulk of contributors will not make any gift that will compel them to give up something important in their lives or cause them to change their standard of living. Nevertheless, they continue to give generously to causes.
Contributors will give for current program support, to meet a special need, for capital purposes, or to help build the organization’s endowment holdings. This sympathetic broad-based giving pattern is not haphazard. The interests of the contributor must be nurtured. Involvement is invited through the annual solicitation of gifts to the annual fund. The very process of solicitation can encourage the contributor to become more knowledgeable about the organization, more understanding, and therefore more supportive.
For this important reason, the annual fund is much more than an unrelated series of special events, direct mail, phonathons, e-mails, on-line giving, broadcast faxes, and other activities. It is a thoughtfully devised and executed plan that creates a strong force of advocates who will dedicate themselves to the organization’s advancement through their philanthropy and volunteer services.

The primary objectives of an annual fund should be the following:
  • To solicit and secure a new gift, repeat the gift, and upgrade the gift
  • To build and develop a base of donors
  • To establish habits and patterns of giving by regular solicitation
  • To seek to expand the donor base by soliciting gifts from new prospects
  • To raise annual unrestricted and restricted money
  • To inform, involve, and bond the constituency to the organization
  • To use the donor base as a vital source of information to identify potential large donors
  • To promote giving habits that encourage the contributor to make capital and planned gifts
  • To remain fully accountable to the constituency through annual reports
Table 8.1 summarizes these points. The development process embodies the total development program. The annual fund serves as the basis for the process and involves gifts through the major gift level.