Friday, December 13, 2013



How can a twenty-something white man write dialogue for an elderly Chinese woman? Simple. By listening.
Pay close attention to the people around you at your job, on the train or in the supermarket.  When you find someone in your character’s demographic, listen to how he or she speaks.  Notice to whom that person is talking (does the speech change when she speaks to someone else?).
Then use what you have heard in your writing.

Excerpt or citation from

  1. Read the following books: How to Win Friends & Influence People and Never Eat Alone(These are general business books, but useful to your filmmaking.)
  2. Since communication is mostly body language, one effective technique to building rapport involves mirroring and moving your body in sync with the person you’re talking with. (Just don’t be obvious about this.)

How to Write a Character Who is Nothing Like You

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